It’s silent in the house.  Everyone’s sleeping, except for me.  I would likely ruin a sacred moment, were I to tiptoe to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Tonight, I sit here, listening to the sound of rain falling outside, drenching the ground.  Thankful, oh so thankful.  Isn’t that the best way to begin Advent?  With thanksgiving in our hearts?

This morning, I woke up early, lit some candles, and began my Advent devotions in the candlelight.

Out of the darkness was seen a great light.  And the word became flesh and dwelt among them.  christmas-candle-3

I’m simply going to sit right here, in the candlelight, adoring the word who became flesh and dwelt among us.  The light cannot be overcome.  I’m going to do my best to dwell among those around me, and “become flesh.”

Let’s incarnationally live in the world that needs to see a great light.

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